Ancient Presence
This piece was inspired by the area outside of Santa Fe, NM,
and southern Utah. It is red rock area and petroglyph sites can
often be seen here. The stylized kiva in this image is found
on Georgia O'Keefe's Ghost Ranch near Abiqui, NM.
Hand patterns were common subject matter for petroglyphs and
are found on many stone surfaces throughout the southwestern
part of the United States.Petroglyphs cannot be read like real
words, because it is not possible to define a symbol and these
symbols are open to a very wide number of interpretations.
Though style and carbon dating have linked them to cultures and
times in the past, their exact meanings remain a mystery.
"Fourness" is used in several places in this piece and is a strong
number in native spirituality since it is found so often in nature.
The handprints, which were added to the stylized kiva, symbolize
the continued spirit presence of the Anasazi Indians, "the ancient
ones," who, from the beginning respected and related to the
sacredness and to the nourishing elements of the land.
Watercolor/ Pastel 20” x 24”)